The Perfect Recipe/Poem by T.H.M/Weekly Sunday Inspiration

A spoonful of grace can be the first thing added into the bowl,
The hurts and the pain of our lives are very well known,
A half a cup of focus will be just enough,
To muddle through the paths that we sometimes take that are bumpy and rough,
One third cup of loyalty to help us be better friends and family to each other,
To become more than strangers but ultimately sisters and brothers,
Two spoonfuls of kindness to help heal others who are in the dark,
A simple hello can change a negative mindset that has been parked,
One fourth cup of honesty to help smooth out the internal battles to do what is right,
So more of us can sleep more peaceful at night,
A half a cup of forgiveness for all the things that have happened to us,
So we no longer have a need for the anger, the bitterness and the urge to cuss,
A whole cup of faith is the final ingredient for the full cake of promise,
This ingredient opens our hearts for God to show how much He loves us,
Our recipe of destiny will only come from trusting God faithfully,
Because we were created to live our lives purposefully, The perfect recipe to celebrate how far we have come, When we understand under God we all are one.

Remember God loves you always.


Terryn Horton-Morton